``What is easy has no taste.`` (Nicolas Hulot)

Reserach and Development

New Flavours is first and foremost a company composed of people.
And every single person represents an added value that is reflected in the final product.

Our philosophy has always been to invest in research.
We are a company that focuses on innovation and we are convinced that excellence is the physiological consequence of these choices.

Thanks to our research and the use of state-of-the-art production processes, we have made customisation our strong point.

We create flavours based on the customer’s needs and, at the same time, designed to meet the consumers’ taste. For us, tailoring an aroma means starting from nature and arriving at the essence, trying to play with all its undertones according to the initial request.
Ours is not a simple assemblage, but the creation of a bouquet, expressed via nuances and notes that make it unique.
Our aromas will never be a simple aroma… we will make them fresher, more acerbic, slightly mentholated and much more, depending on the customer’s requirements…

We put all our know-how into creating a unique product each and every time, thanks to a team of in-house taste hunters who allow us to go in search of new flavours and new combinations. A search that extends to every corner of the planet, on the trail of stimulating scents, new aromas and unique fragrances.
Even the applied flavourists are in-house, and each aroma is only released after it has been tested.

We monitor the product at every stage: from the search for the best raw materials to its shelf life (expiry date) and possible reactions with conventional containers.
Thanks to constant monitoring, we can study other functional characteristics such as its thermo-resistance and oxidising properties.

In order to stay ahead of the game, we use machinery which we have designed ourselves and which is custom-built for us.
This allows us to guarantee the highest quality standards.
The satisfaction of our customers and consumers is our constant focus.
And our only priority.

New Flavours SRL has received a contribution from the funds POR FESR 2014-2020 – AZIONE 3.4.1 - PIANO DI SVILUPPO E COESIONE FSC EX ART. 44 D.L. N.34/2019 - AVVISO LARGE 2021 - PROJECT TITLE "INNOVATIVE PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF NATURAL FLAVORS".
New Flavours SRL has received a contribution from the funds "POR FESR Umbria 2014-2020 - Axis III - New tools to promote the internationalisation of Umbrian SMEs - NOTICE TO SUPPORT INNOVATIVE INVESTMENTS 2019" for the realisation of the project 'Innovative creation of TWISTCHEF catering products'.