``The number of flavours is infinite.`` (Anthelme Brillat-Savarin)


Creating organic and natural flavours that make a difference, awaken the senses and evoke memories, territories and local specialities is our aspiration.

Each of our flavourings respects the qualities of the raw material, emphasising its special characteristics.

Thanks to our experience, our know-how and the enthusiasm with which we approach each project, the resulting product is inimitable, unique.


Our natural flavourings are tailored to your needs and allow you to create great savoury products, both artisanal and industrial, on a large scale.

The creation of new flavours and the characterisation of your products is made possible by the synergistic work between our researchers and our taste hunters.
Constant research into extractions has led us to develop flavours by drawing on the special characteristics of raw materials from different regions and countries or from a specific botanical species.
Our umami and other natural flavours will round off and enhance the taste of your dishes.
As in the case of the sprinkle or of the vegan flavouring, developed to achieve the taste of meat, but in its absence.


Today’s bakery and confectionery products have to satisfy increasingly high standards while also meeting the increasingly varied dietary habits and needs of consumers.
The reduction of sugar or salt, and specific needs with regard to intolerances are aspects to which New Flavours is extremely sensitive. We are able to create semi-finished products and flavour profiles that are resistant to the stresses of industrial processes, thanks to the development of heat-resistant natural flavourings specifically to achieve these objectives.


We also apply our knowledge in the field of confectionery.

We use natural and organic flavourings specially made for bakery, ice cream and sweet products.

Here, too, we focus on the originality of the product to conveying its authenticity.


Milk, the basis of dairy products, has long been the source of new challenges and innovations.
Lactose intolerance, but also vegan products, have generated a proliferation of new products and transformed traditional ones. Alternatives to cow’s milk are becoming increasingly popular and appreciated by consumers, and require specific knowledge for their correct enhancement.
Through research and study, New Flavours is now a leading player in the vegetarian sector which allows us to create the ideal media to best convey the natural aroma in a variety of contexts.
This process makes it possible to maintain the full aromatic bouquet and all its natural flavour.

New Flavours SRL has received a contribution from the funds POR FESR 2014-2020 – AZIONE 3.4.1 - PIANO DI SVILUPPO E COESIONE FSC EX ART. 44 D.L. N.34/2019 - AVVISO LARGE 2021 - PROJECT TITLE "INNOVATIVE PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF NATURAL FLAVORS".
New Flavours SRL has received a contribution from the funds "POR FESR Umbria 2014-2020 - Axis III - New tools to promote the internationalisation of Umbrian SMEs - NOTICE TO SUPPORT INNOVATIVE INVESTMENTS 2019" for the realisation of the project 'Innovative creation of TWISTCHEF catering products'.