'One must ask children and birds how cherries and strawberries taste.' (Goethe)

Production of flavourings and semi-finished food products

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NEW FLAVOURS - Italian Sensations

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Welcome to New Flavours, the home of flavourings and semi-finished food products.
If you are looking for a unique, tailor-made product, the result of research, innovation, professionalism and imagination, this is the right place.

Let us surprise you. Your every need is a mission for us.

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New Flavours SRL has received a contribution from the funds POR FESR 2014-2020 – AZIONE 3.4.1 - PIANO DI SVILUPPO E COESIONE FSC EX ART. 44 D.L. N.34/2019 - AVVISO LARGE 2021 - PROJECT TITLE "INNOVATIVE PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF NATURAL FLAVORS".
New Flavours SRL has received a contribution from the funds "POR FESR Umbria 2014-2020 - Axis III - New tools to promote the internationalisation of Umbrian SMEs - NOTICE TO SUPPORT INNOVATIVE INVESTMENTS 2019" for the realisation of the project 'Innovative creation of TWISTCHEF catering products'.